Physiotherapists are healthcare professionals who are university trained and have an in-depth understanding of human movement and injury pathology.
Chiropractors assess, diagnose, treat and impose prevention strategies that will reduce your pain, restore your function and eliminate the chance of injury recurrences.
Massage Therapists use a variety of hands on techniques to release and mobilize the muscles, fascia, joints and other soft tissues to improve wellness.
Sports Medicine Physicians have specialized training in the diagnosis and management of musculoskeletal issues pertaining to sport, exercise and movement.
Custom orthotics are inserts for your shoes that have been shaped and designed specifically for your feet. They work to correct the alignment of the foot and lower body.
Our downtown Toronto clinic offers a wide selection of off-the-shelf orthopaedic braces and therapeutic products for your aches, pains and injuries.
TCM Registered Acupuncture and Contemporary Medical Acupuncture are effective treatment technique used to treat many painful disorders.
Pelvic health physiotherapists are registered physiotherapists who have specialized training in pelvic health conditions and are able to assess the pelvic floor muscles.
Pilates is a system of exercises that will improve your posture and correct your muscle imbalances while helping your build strength, flexibility and endurance.
Manual Osteopaths identify and treat anatomical asymmetries that can interfere with the proper function of bodily systems using a gentle, comprehensive and highly effective approach.
Shockwave is a non-invasive treatment involving high frequency, short duration, bursts of high-energy pulses that are transmitted into injured tissues for faster recovery.
A custom knee brace is an orthopedic medical appliance that is specifically built for your body and designed with features that are adapted for your condition and for your performance goals.
Active Release Techniques® is an innovative and effective massage technique that is movement based and great for sports injury rehabilitation.
If you have injured your ACL, our highly skilled and experienced physiotherapists are equipped to help you through each stage of the recovery process.
Fascial Stretch TherapyTM is a unique system of assisted table-based stretching designed to mobilize the fascial system and alleviate stubborn tightness and tension.
Laser therapy is a non-invasive, pain free therapy that uses the power of light to accelerate soft tissue healing by stimulating cellular metabolism.
Ergonomics is concerned with the suitability of the work environment to the individual worker and aims to enhance performance and promote wellness.
Psychotherapy is a treatment modality for anyone who experiences emotional or mental health challenges and/or struggles with physical pain.
Gunn IMS is an extremely effective system for the assessment and treatment of neuropathic pain, which is a common cause for the onset of myofascial pain syndromes.
The GLA:D program is an 8 week neuromuscular program for individuals with painful knees or hips resulting from osteoarthritis.
Compression garments are medical grade socks and stockings designed to deliver controlled amounts of pressure to your lower extremities.
Naturopathic doctors use their extensive knowledge to assess, diagnose and treat your medical health concerns using a holistic approach in order to encourage your bodies natural healing processes.
Our specially trained physiotherapists can guide pregnant woman and new mothers on appropriate exercise programs to stay fit and resolve their aches and pains.
Our skilled physiotherapists will work with you to control your pain, regain your mobility and build your strength after surgery so that you can reach your full potential.
Our specially trained physiotherapists and chiropractors will provide individualized concussion treatment focused on restoring function to your vision, balance, and exercise tolerance.
Our specially trained physios and chiros offer vestibular rehabilitation to determine the cause of your dizziness and effectively treat symptoms caused by the inner ear, visual motion sensitivity, concussion or dysfunction of the upper neck region.
Our specially trained naturopath provides Vitamin B12 (or cobalamin) injections that restore B12 levels within cells and can help treat many conditions including celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, diabetes, migraines, nerve pain and thyroid disease.