The hamstring is a group of tendons contracted by three posterior thigh muscles that make up the borders of the space behind the knee. A pulled hamstring refers to an injury to one of the three hamstring muscles.
Often this type of injury occurs in athletes that participate in sports that require running, jumping, skating, cutting and kicking. Commonly, a hamstring strain occurs when the hamstring muscle group is overloaded while in an overstretched position.
Treatment of a hamstring strain involves RICE-rest, ice, compression and elevation for the first 24-48 hours. After this period, it is recommended that you visit a physiotherapist who will teach you exercises that are most appropriate for you depending on the severity of your injury.
They will use techniques such as muscle release/massage, laser therapy, acupuncture and other strategies that might be specific to your body. They will also teach you how to improve your flexibility and eccentric muscle strength to prevent a recurrence of the injury.
They may also recommend that you see a registered massage therapist if there is a lot of scar tissue (aka adhesions) or if your hamstrings are very tight.
Rebalance Sports Medicine is a multidisciplinary clinic in downtown Toronto offering sports medicine, physiotherapy, registered massage therapy, chiropractic, naturopathic medicine, rheumatology, personal training, Shockwave therapy, laser therapy, acupuncture, Pilates, nutrition and many more.
Please contact us for information on any of our services or to book in with one of our therapists.