Strategies for success with your New Years Resolutions!
The New Year is a great time to reflect, renew our perspectives and refocus. It is a time to remember the past, to be grateful for what we have been given and all that we have accomplished. It is also a time to look ahead into the future and think about what we would like to change and how we would like to grow. This is why many of us choose New Years as a time to set personal goals and resolutions. Unfortunately, once January has past us, many of us revert back to old habits and forget about this feeling of renewal that New Years brings with it.
Below we have listed some strategies for success that you may want to consider as you set your New Years resolutions.
- Think about and assess where you are right now with respect to your aspirations and goals.
- Set a goal that is reasonable and attainable. Take into consideration where you are right now and where you would like to be. Consider making small goals that are easier to reach and more realistic to implement. These small goals will help you work towards the larger end goal.
- Write down your goal. Write down a plan of how you will achieve this goal. Be specific and provide as many details as possible. Writing down your resolutions will make you more accountable to them. Put your written goals somewhere that you will see them regularly so that you can stay focused.
- Get your friends, family and colleagues involved in your resolution. Having social supports will keep you on track when you feel overwhelmed and prevent you from engaging in old habits. Having others join in on your resolution also makes it more fun and enjoyable.
- Reward yourself when you reach your short-term goals or when you have made some significant gains. Think of incentives in advance. Obviously make sure your reward does not throw you off track but is something that you will enjoy and work hard towards.
- Think about how you might fail and what temptations might interfere with your progress. Plan in advance how you will deal with these situations and how you will overcome these hurdles. You want to play offense NOT defense.
The team at Rebalance Sports Medicine wishes you and all your loved ones a very happy, healthy and prosperous New Year. We hope that you reach all your goals and resolutions for 2014. Our physiotherapists, chiropractors, massage therapists, naturopathic doctors and Pilates instructors are all here to help you reach your physical health goals. Contact us today for more information at 416-777-9999.
Alishah Merchant, FCAMPT Physiotherapist
Alishah Merchant is a FCAMPT physiotherapist practicing at Rebalance Sports Medicine in downtown Toronto.