3 Tips to Improve your Current Stretching Regimen
Do you feel like stretching is more of a pain than overall gain? Make three changes to how you currently stretch, to maximize the gain in your flexibility…and get excited about stretching again.
1. Stretch the joint capsule before stretching the muscle
Traction the joint before you move into the stretch. When there is tension in the joint capsule it can impede your range of motion. By tractioning the joint first, you can gain a greater increase in flexibility.
How to:
- Warm up the joint with arm or leg circles.
- Find the proper body position, i.e. in a door frame with arm elevated, hand on frame
- Create length in the joint by trying to visualize the arm growing away from the torso. Ease into the stretch while maintaining the new “length”
2. Release tension points before stretching
Tension points or hyper-irritable spots that develop in taut bands or “knots” in the muscle or fascia can create pain in muscles, create restriction and reduce flexibility.
How to:
- Apply gentle pressure to the affected area with the help of Yoga Tune Up or Lacrosse ball. Begin rolling through the area.
- Avoid deep pressure for sustained periods of time.
- Use deep, slow breathing to relax the body/area.
3. Use stretch waves instead of forcing and holding
According to the founders of Fascial Stretch TherapyTM, Chris and Ann Fredrick, “Athletes can stretch better by synchronizing their breathing with their movement.” For effective increases in flexibility, they recommend a technique that uses a very slow, rhythmic breathing called a stretch wave.
How to:
- Use 3 very slow breaths per position.
- Start the stretch at the place where you first feel restriction.
- Move deeper into the stretch on the exhale and move out of the stretch on the inhale.
- Feel the breath through your entire body to maximize nervous system relaxation.
For added help in increasing length and flexibility, book in for a Fascial Stretch Therapy session! Set your tension and tightness free with Fascial Stretch Therapy.
Rebalance Toronto
Rebalance Sports Medicine is a multidisciplinary clinic in downtown Toronto offering physiotherapy, chiropractic, registered massage therapy, sports medicine, naturopathy, Pilates and more.