The word metatarsalgia comes from metatarsal (long bones in feet) + algia (pain in Greek). It is a general term used for pain in the plantar […]
The word metatarsalgia comes from metatarsal (long bones in feet) + algia (pain in Greek). It is a general term used for pain in the plantar […]
The hip joint has become one of my favourite joints in the entire body. This seemingly simple ball-and-socket joint created for mobility, load-bearing, and […]
As defined by the National Strength and Conditioning Association, a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialists® (CSCS®) is a professional who applies […]
What is Calcific Tendonitis? Calcium deposits in tendons that commonly occur in the shoulder rotator cuff causing pain, irritation and inflammation in the area. […]
What is Hamstring Tendonpathy? The hamstring muscles originate from the sitting bones and attach just below the back of the knee. Proximal hamstring […]
Whether you work on your feet all day, run high mileage, or take leisurely weekend strolls, tension that builds up in your feet can lead to pain, discomfort or […]
Lunges are one of the most commonly performed lower body exercises, yet many people’s execution is poor. Perfecting your lunge translates to improved […]
Nerves are the communicators of the human body. They are bundles of axons which pass information between the brain, spinal cord and tissues using electrochemical […]
What do 9000 people racing their way up 1,776 steps flights of the United Way CN Tower Climb have in common? A smile. The funds we’ve raised will improve people’s […]
Research shows the frequency patient obtain imaging (X-rays, MRIs, CT scans) varies considerably during the first month of low back pain treatment. Current clinical […]