Office Ergonomics by Physiotherapists
Ergonomic assessments are offered by our physiotherapists in downtown Toronto. Many of our clients report aches and pains related to the long hours of work at their desk and computers. Sustained poor postures combined with repetitive motions while keyboarding and mousing has lead to an endemic of injuries to the back, neck, shoulder, arm, wrist and hand. Prolonged poor posture results in sustained tension in the muscles and abnormal stress on the tissues that make up the body (ligaments, muscles, tendons, nerves, joints). This leads to strains, muscle fatigue, wear and tear of the joints and ultimately to pain. In addition, your body will become less efficient and you will develop muscle imbalances because certain muscles tighten while other muscles weaken from your work postures. This can make you prone to injury with your sports and activities outside of work.
Make sure your workstation is set up appropriately. For more information on how you can set up an ergonomic assessment for your workstation please contact us today to book an appointment with one of our physiotherapists.
Rebalance Toronto
Rebalance Sports Medicine is a multidisciplinary clinic in downtown Toronto offering physiotherapy, chiropractic, registered massage therapy, sports medicine, naturopathy, Pilates and more.