The Truths about Salt and its Function in the Body
“My food is too salty” or “can you pass the salt” are two very popular phrases often shared at the dinner table. Most people utilize salt in their cooking to add more flavour to their meals. That being said salt consumption is often associated with a great deal of controversy within both the medical community and the general public. When we talk about the different types of salt and its effects on the body less is understood. So let’s break down some facts about this popular food additive.
Salt comes in the form of sodium chloride which is two elements that combine to form a by-product that plays vital roles within the body. It is also important to note that there is significant difference between refined and natural salt.
Refined vs Natural Salt
The difference between typical refined white table salt found in grocery stores and unrefined sea salt is huge! The main difference when it comes to our health are that refined table salt contains other additives such dextrose (sugar) and iodine used to keep salt from turning blue or purple. Other additives can include sodium silicoaluminate or anti-caking agents linked to various health conditions. Most of the negative effects of salt are often related to refined salts, not natural unprocessed salts. Also, many refined salts tend to stay within the body longer which can lead to joint swelling and potential kidney problems.
Natural unprocessed sea salts are exactly that, they are natural! They contain many trace minerals, such as Celtic Sea Salt, which is beneficial to your body.
Here are some of the benefits of natural unprocessed sea salts:
- Important in balancing blood sugar levels
- Strong and natural antihistamine
- Aid in the prevention of muscle cramps
- Needed in the order to make bone structure strong
- Removal excess acidity from cells in the body
Some healthy tips to utilize salt intake include:
- Always invest and ingest unrefined sea salts when given the choice
- Celtic, French or New Zealand sea salts are great sources
- Add salt to food after tasting it first
- Try adding a pinch of quality sea salt to each liter bottle of water you drink to help with electrolyte and energy levels. This especially important for athletes who lose a lot of water during activity
For any additional information on salt types or uses, along with any other dietary needs do not hesitate to speak with one of our trusted professionals at Rebalance Sports Medicine.
Dr. Chad Carter, Chiropractor
Dr. Chad Carter is a chiropractor practicing at Rebalance Sports Medicine in downtown Toronto.