Neck pain (also known as cervical pain) is a common medical condition and can be caused from injury, prolonged poor postures and other conditions/disorders that affect the soft tissues and bones of the neck.
Some common conditions that cause neck pain include degenerative disk disease, whiplash, a pinched nerve, a herniated disk or a neck strain.
In addition to these common disorders and diseases, neck pain can be caused by sitting at a desk all day, working for hours in front of a computer or sleeping in a bad position.
Pain and tightness around or in the neck region can be very annoying and can lead to upper back pain and headaches. This video demonstrates the levator scapula stretch, which is a gentle stretch that helps to stretch the muscles along the back of your neck towards the upper part of your shoulder blade.
Perform this stretch daily and try to repeat at least 3 time during the day if you are looking for relief.
Rebalance Sports Medicine is a multidisciplinary clinic in downtown Toronto offering sports medicine, physiotherapy, registered massage therapy, chiropractic, naturopathic medicine, rheumatology, personal training, Shockwave therapy, laser therapy, acupuncture, Pilates, nutrition and many more.
Please contact us for information on any of our services or to book in with one of our therapists.