Motor control is an interaction between the central nervous system and the musculoskeletal system to efficiently move and coordinate our body through movement. A simple squat can require a great deal of motor control. […]
Motor control is an interaction between the central nervous system and the musculoskeletal system to efficiently move and coordinate our body through movement. A simple squat can require a great deal of motor control. […]
Trigger Finger is also known as stenosing tendovaginitis. Effective treatment includes taping to correcting finger alignment, wearing an appropriate splint, activity modification, self-massage, use of thermal modalities, and a set of exercises to promote proper mobility of the finger. […]
Dupuytren Contracture is a condition where a finger that is stuck in a bent (or flexed position). Treatment for Dupuytren’s often includes surgery/injections, which will break apart the collagen overgrowth to improve extension. […]
Unlike the name suggests, Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD) is not a disease as much as it is a natural occurrence that happens with aging, and the pain symptoms that are present with DDD typically don’t progress or worsen. […]
Low Pressure Fitness (LPF) is a training system aimed at postural and breathing reeducation. It utilizes breathing and hypopressive maneuvers together with myofascial and neurodynamic techniques to decrease pressure and body tension. […]
The infrapatellar fat pad (also known as the Hoffa Pad) is one of three fat pads in the front of your knee. It is located below the knee cap and above the patellar tendon, enclosed by the thigh bone and shin bone, and resting between the knee joint capsule and connective tissues of your knee. […]
TRX training is a specialized form of suspension training that uses body weight exercises to develop strength, flexibility, balance and core stability […]
Naturopathic medicine can help optimize sperm motility, morphology, overall counts, and DNA fragmentation rates. On the female side, Naturopathy can […]
The word metatarsalgia comes from metatarsal (long bones in feet) + algia (pain in Greek). It is a general term used for pain in the plantar […]
The hip joint has become one of my favourite joints in the entire body. This seemingly simple ball-and-socket joint created for mobility, load-bearing, and […]