Low Back Pain: Your Perception Can Influence Your Pain?
Do you have lower back pain?
Are you afraid to move because you are worried that your low back pain will worsen?
Many people like you are afraid of their low back pain and this fear can be debilitating. You believe that you cannot sit, stand or even walk without making your pain worse? You believe that lifting, pushing and pulling are completely out of the question.
If this is you then please continue reading and hopefully we can convince you to reconsider.
Studies have actually found that you should sit, stand, and walk despite, the pain. However, you shouldn’t stay in one position for too long. Pressure will build up in your discs and spinal joints when you have been in the same position for too long (ie. if you are sitting for 20 minutes). It is best to change your position often and change your position if your pain level is worsening.
You might be wondering if the signal of pain means you are damaging or injuring your low back further. The good news is that this is not the case in almost all scenarios. Generally speaking, pain does not always mean you are making your condition worse. Your pain can become more intense if you are fearful of the pain, if you are emotional about your symptoms, if you are stressed out about your condition and if you choose to lie in bed and not move at all for days. These can all cause your muscles to spasm, seize up and atrophy which can be worse for your low back in the long term.
Our advice to you is to continue on with your daily activities and of course limit heavy physical tasks until the pain settles. Be sure to change your position often. Choose the best combination of sitting, standing, walking and lying down. Seek advice from a health care professional such as a Chiropractor as soon as possible. This will keep activity in your muscles and facilitate a smooth and speedy recovery.
It should be very clear by now that your perception of your low back pain is very important. Typically most of us fall into one of three categories.
Misinformed Avoiders
You just believe that since movements cause you pain that you are only going to damage and re-injure your back if you move. You simply avoid any movements that cause pain. You have fear!
Learned Avoiders
You have no beliefs and no fears. You simply find out through trial and error that certain movements cause you pain. You simply avoid these specific movements.
Affective Avoiders
You have a tremendous fear of pain and you have already decided that you are disabled because of your low back pain. Those of you in this category will miss more work and have a much longer drawn out recovery-if you recover at all. Treatments focused on your physical symptoms with your Chiropractor will be much less effective.
Which type are you? More importantly, which type do you want to be?
Rest assured that the majority of low back pain resolves within six to eight weeks. Don’t let your fear control your low back pain. Don’t seek care from a health care provider that encourages fear. Your chiropractor should educate you, reassure you and empower you to take control of your condition. They should not be instilling fear in you because this will just slow your recovery and increase the intensity of your symptoms. Always remember that if you have more fear after a session with your chiropractor then find another chiropractor! Contact us today if you would like to book in with one of our excellent Chiropractors.
Dr. Ken Nakamura, Chiropractor
Dr. Ken Nakamura is a chiropractor practicing at Rebalance Sports Medicine in downtown Toronto.