Unique Physiotherapy and Pilates Program at Rebalance Sports Medicine
Physiotherapy At Rebalance Sports Medicine
Physiotherapy in general has great outcomes for most orthopaedic conditions and sports injuries. A good physiotherapist will be able to alleviate your symptoms and give you some relief. However, the long-term results can be varied. Some clients feel better in the short term only to be disappointed that their symptoms return over time. This occurs because the underlying muscle imbalances and postural dysfunctions that exist and that contribute to the problem were not addressed. At Rebalance we believe in getting patients better and keeping them that way. This is why we have developed this unique approach to patient care that is unlike any other clinic and the results are phenomenal. Our physiotherapists conduct full and comprehensive assessment to determine your root problem and figure out what mechanical dysfunctions and muscle imbalances exist. The physiotherapist will treat your condition using a multi-modal and scientifically based approach that includes hands on treatment, individualized prescriptive exercise, acupuncture and other modalities. Our therapists re-assess your condition on a regular basis to ensure that you are improving after each session and if not they will adapt your treatment plan accordingly.
Rehabilitation Pilates
If your issue is driven by muscle imbalances, our physiotherapists will work with our Pilates instructor to develop a one on one program to suit your specific needs and weaknesses. Under physiotherapy supervision, you will see our Rehabilitation Pilates Instructor who will take your body through movement sequences that will help correct your muscle imbalances. During these sessions, you will learn about your body, how you move and the compensatory strategies that you use. Also, you will be given some homework to practice so that you improve at a faster rate. This approach will get you feeling better in no time and because we are address your underlying muscle imbalances, our long-term success rates are very high.
Multidisciplinary Approach
If your issue is driven by tightness in your muscles, connective tissues or joints you may be referred to see our highly trained registered massage therapists. Our massage therapists work along side the physiotherapists to help you get better faster. You will be taught stretches that are specific to your restrictions in order to prevent the tightness from developing again in the future. Our physiotherapists will also recommend chiropractic care, rehab Pilates, and naturopathy depending on your goals and your specific situation. If you are not responding to treatment as expected and/or if you need medical intervention, your physiotherapist will refer you to the sports medicine physician on staff. The doctor will assess you and help to refocus your treatment plan and determine if you need further testing or referrals to other specialists. Our practitioners work together as a team because we believe that many minds work better then just one. Our ultimate goal is to help you get better and we are stacked with a team of experts that can accelerate the process. We have a proven track record.
Contact us today if you have questions or would like to book an appointment.
Rebalance Toronto
Rebalance Sports Medicine is a multidisciplinary clinic in downtown Toronto offering physiotherapy, chiropractic, registered massage therapy, sports medicine, naturopathy, Pilates and more.