Tips to Stay Motivated to Reach your Goals
As fall approaches some of us tend to get distracted by start of a new school year, a new job, new activities, new projects and other events that are taking place in our lives. In the midst of all this change and activity it’s very easy to lose focus on our goals. So here are some tips on how to stay motivated during the busy times and get back on the right track to making a better you.
1. Set Goals and Choose them Wisely
Having an action plan is essential to achieving anything in life and by setting goals is one way to do this. The most important aspect to goal setting is to have realistic and attainable goals that will gradually get you to where you want to be. You never want to set the bar too high at the beginning or else you will just be setting yourself up for failure and this is a big no in terms of staying motivated.
2. Put Your Goals on Paper
The second point here ties into the first because simply just thinking about a goal is not enough. If we just think of goals without putting them down on paper they will be forgotten and it will be hard to track our successes and failures. It is essential that goals are translated onto something visual for us to see. When putting your goals onto paper it is also important that you put them up in a location where you will always see them. This can serve as an additional reminder to help motivate you and encourage you to work towards your goals each and every day.
3. Create a New Routine
A lot of people go through life not being able to stay motivated because their daily routines do not align with the goals they are setting. For example, you want to get into shape but you only go to the gym when your current schedule frees up to give you the additional time. This is an automatic set back to achieving your goals and staying motivated because there is no regularity in what you are doing. The best way to counteract this is to set up an entire new routine that is tailored to what you want to achieve and of course build your goals into your routine so that you can be successful.
4. Have fun!
Achieving our goals can be hard work but we also have to enjoy ourselves at the same time or it will be very difficult to stay motivated and persevere when life gets crazy. Some ways we can incorporate fun into our goals is by joining groups, including friends and choosing activities that we enjoy. For example, with regards to goals that focus on increasing your physical fitness you can participate in a new team sport, go dancing with your friends, go swimming, cycling or running with your kids, try rock climbing or other social fitness groups. Be creative and get tips from friends and family that share similar interests and you will have no trouble finding fun things to do to help you reach your goals.
Overall, we hope that these pointers help you stay motivated and on stay track to reach your personal goals and/or to create new ones this upcoming fall. We encourage you to make healthy decisions and set goals that will help you lead cleaner, healthier and more physically active lifestyles.
Don’t forget, if your goals are based on your physical health and you encounter any roadblocks along the way such as pain, muscle soreness, injury or limited mobility, we have a team of health care professionals that would be happy to help you. Visit our team page to find out more about each of the practitioners and/or contact us by phone and we would be happy to direct you to the practitioner who has the best training to help you. We love seeing you reach your goals and we’d love to help in any way possible!
Written By: Giuliano Calleri, RMT
Rebalance Toronto
Rebalance Sports Medicine is a multidisciplinary clinic in downtown Toronto offering physiotherapy, chiropractic, registered massage therapy, sports medicine, naturopathy, Pilates and more.