We have been advised by The Ministry of Health and our professionals’ regulatory colleges that we can remain open to serve you for all clinic services. […]
We have been advised by The Ministry of Health and our professionals’ regulatory colleges that we can remain open to serve you for all clinic services. […]
The elbow joint consists of three bones: humerus (arm bone), radius and ulna (forearm bones). A dislocated elbow occurs when these bones are forced out of their normal position […]
Radiculopathy is a compression of one or more spinal nerve roots as it exits the spine. The compression causes dysfunction of the nerve and leads to tightness, pain, numbness or tingling […]
Total Knee Replacement (also known as Total Knee Arthroplasty) is a surgical procedure that replaces the existing knee joint with prosthetic components. […]
Skiers thumb is a term used to describe an injury that often happens to skiers during a fall, which results in an injury to the ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) of the thumb metacarpophalangeal joint. […]
A Hypermobility Disorder (HD) is an umbrella term that generally describes someone who has hyper mobile joints with symptoms. A hyper mobile joint describes a joint that moves a greater than average range of motion. […]
We’re excited to reopen June 1st, 2020. We have implemented many new policies and procedures to keep our patients, staff and the community safe. Here are just a few key changes you will notice when you return. […]
Repetitive movements with the shoulder are typically the culprit in causing Long Head Biceps (LHB) tendinopathies, where the deconditioning and normal aging of the tissue can further compound the injury. […]
We have introduced virtual telehealth physiotherapy, chiropractic and naturopathy appointments so that you can continue to take positive steps towards your health goals during this period of self-isolation and social distancing. […]
Manual Osteopathy is a form of hands on therapy with a primary focus of restoring function and eliminating pain by addressing the root cause of the pain, imbalance, injury or illness. It is effective on its own as well as in conjunction with physiotherapy, chiropractic and massage therapy […]