Many people experience pain in their back, hips and knees because they do not have adequate hip strength and control. This progression to the basic clam shell exercise and clam shell with resistance band exercise adds even more of a challenge. This version of the exercise combines activation of the inner and outer core together with the gluteus medius muscle group. In function, the core and gluteus medius work in synergy through a sling system to ensure that energy travels efficiently and effectively up the kinetic chain from the moment your foot hits the ground. Once you have mastered the basic clam and clam shell with resistance band, go ahead and give this version a try.
We always recommend talking to a qualified health professional such a Physiotherapist to ensure this exercise is right for your body.
To book an appointment with one of our expert Physiotherapists in downtown Toronto, give us a call at 416-777-9999 (Yonge/Adelaide) or 416-306-1111 (University/King).