Knees can be injured by trauma, repetitive strain or as a result of deficiencies in motor control and muscle balance. It is important to have your knee pain assessed by a physiotherapist, chiropractor or Sports Medicine Physician. […]
Knees can be injured by trauma, repetitive strain or as a result of deficiencies in motor control and muscle balance. It is important to have your knee pain assessed by a physiotherapist, chiropractor or Sports Medicine Physician. […]
The foot and ankle are made up of multiple joints that work together but also function independently. The foot is built this way to adapt to the grounds surface as well as allowing it to act as a lever for force and energy. […]
Pain felt in the hip can be caused by many different anatomical structures all the way from the low back and pelvis down to the knee and foot. It is important that you have your hip assessed by a Physiotherapist, Chiropractor or Sports Medicine Doctor. […]
You’ve probably heard that sitting is the new smoking. Any activity, occupation or past-time that keeps you in one position for a long time can have negative effects on your body. Registered physiotherapists can help with this as we are movement specialists. […]
The infrapatellar fat pad (also known as the Hoffa Pad) is one of three fat pads in the front of your knee. It is located below the knee cap and above the patellar tendon, enclosed by the thigh bone and shin bone, and resting between the knee joint capsule and connective tissues of your knee. […]
Back pain is one of the most common issues that we assess and provide treatment for. This is not surprising considering that the majority of our patients are office workers in the downtown Toronto, financial district. […]
TRX training is a specialized form of suspension training that uses body weight exercises to develop strength, flexibility, balance and core stability […]
Naturopathic medicine can help optimize sperm motility, morphology, overall counts, and DNA fragmentation rates. On the female side, Naturopathy can […]
The word metatarsalgia comes from metatarsal (long bones in feet) + algia (pain in Greek). It is a general term used for pain in the plantar […]
The hip joint has become one of my favourite joints in the entire body. This seemingly simple ball-and-socket joint created for mobility, load-bearing, and […]