- Registered Physiotherapist
- Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Manipulative Physiotherapy
- Pelvic Health Physiotherapist
- AFCI Medical Acupuncture
- Adjunct Lecturer for UofT
Our experienced physiotherapists have a special interest in the assessment and management of arthritic conditions. Osteoarthritis is a very common condition affecting 1 in 10 Canadians. Osteoarthritis can affect both males and females at any age, but is most common in older age groups.
Arthritis refers to the inflammation of a joint and with Osteoarthritis the cartilage between adjacent bones wears down which leads to inflammation.
The changes related to Osteoarthritis are not reversible however, if diagnosed early, it is possible to delay progression of the disease and maintain normal function, normal mobility and continued participation in sports and activities.
There are many different treatment options if you are suffering from Osteoarthritis. It is important to exhaust all conservative options before considering more invasive medical measures such as surgery. Conservative options include:
At Rebalance Sports Medicine, we have experienced and highly qualified physiotherapists that are specially trained to provide evidence-based conservative management for your arthritic condition.
They will design an individualized treatment plan that is appropriate for your specific needs and based on the severity of your condition. The interventions will control your pain, improve your mobility, increase your overall functioning and help you return to the activities that you enjoy.
Rest assured, our therapists have the knowledge and experience to know if you require more invasive treatments such as surgery and/or injections and they will refer you to the appropriate specialists if necessary.
This service is covered by most extended health benefit plans. Don’t continue to live in pain, contact us today to get started on the path to recovery.
The Sports Medicine Physician will assist in the medical management of your arthritic condition. First and foremost, the physician will help to confirm a clear diagnosis of your arthritic condition by taking a history and conducting a physical exam around the affected joint(s).
If a diagnosis is not evident then the physician may request imaging and/or additional testing. Once a diagnosis is established, the physician will oversee the medical management of your condition.
They may prescribe medications to decrease the inflammation and help to control the pain, recommend physiotherapy to strengthen the muscles around the affected joints, educate you on your condition and if necessary discuss other more invasive options such as injections or surgical interventions.
They will oversee your care by communicating with your family physician and physiotherapist to ensure that your treatment goals are being met. If necessary, they may refer you to other specialists such as an orthopaedic surgeon or a Rheumatologist for more specialized care.
Massage therapy can be very effective in relieving the pain and muscle tension caused by certain types of arthritic conditions. Specific massage techniques can help to reduce swelling, decrease pain and improve blood flow to the affected joints.
Furthermore, massage therapy can help increase the extensibility of muscles and other soft tissues around a joint, which can ultimately increase the range of motion of involved joints. Our registered massage therapists have experience treating a wide variety of arthritic conditions and are able to modify their pressure and techniques to suit your individual needs.
Bracing solutions can help to give your sore and achy joints the rest and protection needed to get better while allowing you to lead an active lifestyle. Some braces are designed to unload the affected joint so that you can continue to participate in daily living without putting additional stress on the painful joints.
Other braces are designed to restrict mobility so that your joint feels stable and secure while you move around. We offer a variety of bracing options including over the counter and custom bracing.
Our bracing specialists have a great deal of experience helping individuals with arthritis and they can help you determine which brace is the best for you condition and your activities.
We are proud to offer the GLA:DTM Canada program at our downtown Toronto clinics with our GLA:D certified physiotherapists. If you are experiencing pain and/or stiffness in your hip(s) and knee(s), these symptoms may be consistent with osteoarthritis and we highly recommend taking part in the evidence based GLA:D program.
The GLA:D program started in Denmark and was created to help individuals with hip and/or knee osteoarthritis. Individuals who have taken the GLA:D program have reduced pain, take fewer pain killers, take less time off work and are able to be more active. This 8-week education and exercise based group program will help you build strength, gain confidence and empower you to manage your osteoarthritis so that your condition does not hold you back. Book your GLA:D intake today and change your life for good.
Contact us to book an appointment with one of our experienced health care practitioners and let us help you reach your full potential today!